Saturday 22 March 2014

Practice Makes Perfect!

So, in November I was lucky enough to land myself a wonderful opportunity to do a works experience placement with the amazing fashion & editorial photographer Marie Harkness of Harkness Fashion Photography based in Newcastle.

I was absolutely thrilled when Marie told me I could assist on a male model's shoot to build up his fashion portfolio, & it was just as amazing as I expected it to be & an absolutely huge learning experience. As this is the type of photography that I hope to get into after graduating, it is great that I got the opportunity to get some first-hand experience. As my University course is more based around fine art, this is something I don't get the opportunity to do in Carlisle.

The other week Marie contacted me again asking me if I wanted to assist her on a shoot for a local annual Hairdressing competition & to bring my camera along to take some behind the scenes shots. It was a really great experience, & I'm looking forward to assisting her again soon. Take a look below for some of my BTS shots.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

It's Been A While ...

Well it's been a long time since my last blog post. I have spent the last few months since Christmas focusing on my University work & experimenting with new ideas of how I present my photography. It's really interesting trying out new ideas & I'm having so much fun playing about with different concepts.

So, just to keep you informed, one of my modules for this year is called 'Photography & The Book.' This module challenges us not only as photographers but as crafty folk & designers (or in my case, as a friend of designers willing to bribe my flat mates with free meals in order for them to help me!)

I have been given a brief to create my own photography book focusing on a new project & creating a narrative through our images. I was so stuck when we were first given this brief, I won't lie. But finally, after days of soul searching and trolling through numerous websites and books I decided upon creating a typology of girls demonstrating the diversity in the female gender today.

I don't know why I didn't think of it early. WE GIRLS, ARE AWESOME! I think it's important that I get a range of different looks & personal styles into this typology to demonstrate that not everyone is just the typical idea of a girly-girl princess. I have a few different ideas planned for this book so keep an eye out for a post in the next couple of months. You will definitely be the first to know how it's going!
